Southern Maryland Civil War Round Table 2022 Spring Field Trip

A Guided Tour of Civil War Charles County

Rich Hill, circa 1729, Ben Alton, MD | Rich Hill, near Bel ...

Date:  Saturday, April 16, 2022

This tour provides you with an opportunity to traverse the back roads of Charles County and learn about the places and events that affected so many lives during the Civil War.  We will stop and explore historic locations such as Port Tobacco and Rich Hill.

We will also amble through a few of the famous Civil War cemeteries such as those at the Old Piney Chapel and St. Ignatius Church at Chapel Point.  At times, the bus will stop on the side of the road at the sites of ghost towns like Allen’s Fresh and Newport.  We will also pause along the county’s winding roads to see homes that were occupied by famous personalities like Olivia Floyd, the Confederate spy, and Michael Stone Robertson, the gallant captain who died leading his men into battle.

By the end of the day, you will have experienced a unique opportunity to step back into time and sense what it was like to live in Charles County during the four most turbulent years of our nation’s history.

We will disembark our bus at these points of interest:

  1. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Piney Parish, Waldorf
  2. St. Mary’s Catholic Church:  Bryantown
  3. St. Mary’s Newport Catholic Church, Charlotte Hall
  4. Village of Port Tobacco (also our lunch stop)
  5. St. Ignatius Catholic Church, Chapel Point
  6. Rich Hill, Bel Alton, MD

Port Tobacco Historical Marker

Our Guide:  Garth Bowling, educator, historian and author

Cost:  (bus, lunch and guide) is $50 for Round Table members and $60 for non-members during early bird registration by March 8, 2022 (our monthly meeting date).  Thereafter, the cost is $55 for members and $65 for non-members.

Itinerary:  Saturday, April 16, 2022

  • Depart from Maryland Veterans Museum, Newburg, MD:     9:00am
  • Return to Veteran’s Museum, Newburg, MD                                 5:00pm

To sign up for the tour, or for additional information, contact Ben Sunderland, SOMDCWRT President at 443-975-9142 or via email at
