November 8, 2016
The Southern Maryland Civil War Round Table is pleased to announce that its next meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 7:00pm at the College of Southern Maryland’s Center for Business and Industry, Chaney Enterprises Conference Center, Room BI-113, at 8730 Mitchell Road in La Plata, MD.
Guest Speaker: Mr. Don Thomas

Debuting as the new kid on the block, former President and founder of West County Corporation, Don Thomas has recently retired from the industry to turn his hobby and lifelong passion for history into a new career. An avid reader with an insatiable appetite for nonfiction Don has always sought reading material untainted by legend, myth or fabrication.
Realizing few authors dare to venture outside the sanitized limits prescribed to explain the American experience, he began his own study compiling buried documents once hidden or forgotten, but never lost.
In 2012, after years of accumulating a personal library swollen with uncovered new evidence Don decided to publish some of his research, but needed an author. Though he quickly found it was futile trying to persuade a scholar to write his story which abandoned the mainstream chronicles surrounding Lincoln’s murder conspiracy. Growing frustrated he reluctantly decided to write the book himself.
The Reason Lincoln Had to Die is but a small portion of his painstaking four-year research into the violent removal of a United States president from office. While his book mainly focuses on the treasonous self-serving motive to assassinate President Lincoln, his investigation and publications about Lincoln’s hidden assassins continues as an ongoing project. With two highly acclaimed essays including many published articles, Don also is a popular speaker addressing private and public organizations each year.
Only those who have not yet learned about Don Thomas believe the conspiracy to kill Lincoln still remains an unsolved mystery.