April 2025 Southern MD Civil War Round Table Meeting

April 8 , 2025

The Southern Maryland Civil War Round Table is pleased to announce that its next meeting will be held Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 7:00pm at The Maryland Veterans Museum, 11000 Crain Highway North, Newburg, MD 20664.

Guest Speaker:  Sarah Kay Bierle


As we prepare for our field trip to the New Market Battlefield, tonight we will be prepped for the trip by Sarah Kay Bierle, who will discuss the New Market Campaign.

The New Market Campaign

How did the armies get to New Market for the battle on May 15, 1864?

What were the objectives of the campaign?

How did the campaign and battle fit into the overall strategic plans for the war in Virginia?

This presentation delves deeper in the New Market Campaign and reexamines its challenges and outcomes beyond the famous battle.


Sarah Kay Bierle graduated from Thomas Edison State University with a BA in History, works in the Education Department at American Battlefield Trust, and occasionally writes for Emerging Civil War. She has spent years exploring ways to share quality historical research in ways that will inform and inspire modern audiences, including school presentations, writing, and speaking engagements. Sarah has published three historical fiction books and her first nonfiction book, Call Out The Cadets: The Battle of New Market, is part of the Emerging Civil War Series. She currently has a book under contract with the University of Tennessee Press and a forthcoming biography about Confederate artillerist John Pelham with Savas Beatie

Come on out an get a great preview of the sights and stories we will see and learn about on our trip from Sarah.  Attendance is free as always, but membership is recommended. Please contact us at bsunderland@somdcwrt.org or at 443-975-9142 for more details.