March 2024 Southern Maryland Civil War Round Table Meeting

March 12, 2024

The Southern Maryland Civil War Round Table is pleased to announce that its next meeting will be held Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:00pm at The Maryland Veterans Museum, 11000 Crain Highway North, Newburg, MD 20664.

Guest Speaker:  Ronald Coddington

Civil War Portrait Photography: Reflections of a Generation

The first collectors of Civil War photos were those who lived during the four-year struggle. As the years ticked by and they passed from the scene, their likeness were handed down through the generations. Some remained with families. Others landed in antique shops. Many were lost to the elements or tossed into trash heaps. During the war’s centennial, a new generation rediscovered these intimate artifacts. Today, a vibrant community of collectors are caretakers of these portraits. In this talk, Ron answers key questions: Why do these images exist? What were the popular formats? Why did they pose this way? How did the war impact portrait photography in the North and South?

Ronald S. Coddington is Editor and Publisher of Military Images, a quarterly magazine that showcases, interprets and preserves Civil War portrait photography. He is the author of the five volume series Faces of the Civil War published by Johns Hopkins University Press. His writings have appeared in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Civil War Monitor, Civil War Times, Civil War News, and elsewhere. His latest book is Gettysburg Faces: Portraits and Personal Accounts (Gettysburg Publishing).

We welcome all to join us for a different look at Civil War Photography.  Attendance is free, but membership is encouraged. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at