February 2020 Southern MD Civil War Round Table Meeting

February 11, 2020

The Southern Maryland Civil War Round Table is pleased to announce that its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 7:00pm at our NEW meeting location, The Maryland Veterans Museum, 11000 Crain Highway North, Newburg, MD 20664.

Guest Speaker:  Bob Crickenberger

As we observe Black History Month, join us tonight for a presentation by one of our own members, Bob Crickenberger. He will bring to life the service of various United States Colored Troops that were stationed at Point Lookout during the Civil War their interaction with the prisoners of war as well as the other guard units.

Retired as a Production Coordinator for the Prince George’s County Department of Printing, Bob has taken an active role in the preservation of our Southern Maryland Civil War history. A volunteer at Point Lookout State Park since 1978, Bob is also the founder and chairman of The Friends of Point Lookout, which has been in existence since 1985. As well as being a member of the Round table, Bob is also a member of the Sons of Union Veterans Sgt. james Harris Camp #38.

Please come out and join us as we learn about a special group of soldiers and the service the rendered to our country, while serving in our backyard! Attendance is free, but membership is recommended. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at bsunderland@somdcwrt.org or at 443-975-9142. We look forward to seeing you!

2020 Southern MD Civil War Round Table Spring Field Trip

DATE: Saturday April 18, 2020

Join us on our annual spring 2020 field trip to Richmond, Virginia. After Virginia seceded from the Union, the capital of the newly formed Confederacy was moved from Montgomery, Alabama to the city of Richmond. Chief among the reason for the move were Richmond’s strategic importance and its hundreds of factories, whose output nearly equaled that of the rest of the Confederacy. Our visit will include a tour of one of those factories; the Tredegar Iron Works, along with tours of the White House of the Confederacy and The American Civil War Museum.


The White House of the Confederacy: Serving as the Executive Mansion of the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865, this location was the official quarters during the Civil War of the only President of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis.

The American Civil War Museum: Newly opened,this is becoming the preeminent center for the exploration of the American Civil War and its legacies from multiple perspectives, both union and Confederate, enslaved and freed African Americans, soldiers and civilians.

Tredegar Iron Works: This facility produced iron plating for the first Confederate ironclad warship, the CSS Virginia. It also produced 1,100 artillery pieces during the war, about half of the Confederate’s total domestic production.


The bus trip, lunch and fees is $50 for Round Table members and $60 for non-members during early bird registration by March 10, 2020 (Date of our March meeting). Thereafter, the cost is $55 for members and $65 for non-members.


  • Depart Maryland Veterans Museum, Newburg, MD: 8AM
  • Arrive at the White House of the Confederacy: 10AM(ish)
  • Lunch: 12PMm(ish)
  • Depart Richmond: 3PM
  • Arrive back in Newburg, MD: 5PM

For additional information or to sign up, please visit our website, https://somdcwrt.org or contact Round Table President Ben Sunderland by phone at 443-975-9142 or email at bsunderland@somdcwrt.org.